Language Written translation, UAH Interpretation, UAH
for 1 standard document* for 1 page of general terminology** for 1 page of specified terminology*** for 1 hour, (minimum order -2 hours)
Albanian180200220As agreed
Azerbaijani180200220As agreed
Arabic250280300As agreed
Armenian160180200As agreed
Belarusian90100120As agreed
Bulgarian150180200As agreed
Catalan150180200As agreed
Chinese280350400As agreed
Croatian160180200As agreed
Czech160180200As agreed
Danish250280300As agreed
Dari250280300As agreed
Dutch180200220As agreed
Estonian160180200As agreed
Georgian200260280As agreed
Greek (Modern Greek)160180200As agreed
Hebrew160180200As agreed
Hindi400450450As agreed
Hungarian260290320As agreed
Indonesian400450480As agreed
Japanese280350400As agreed
Kazakh150170200As agreed
Kirghiz150170200As agreed
Korean280350400As agreed
Latin150180200As agreed
Latvian180200220As agreed
Lithuanian180200220As agreed
Macedonian150170200As agreed
Norwegian180200220As agreed
Pashto250280300As agreed
Persian (Farsi)250280300As agreed
Polish160180200As agreed
Portuguese160180200As agreed
Romanian (Moldavian)160180200As agreed
Serbian160180200As agreed
Slovenian160180200As agreed
Slovak160180200As agreed
Suomi160180200As agreed
Swedish250280300As agreed
Tajik150170200As agreed
Thai400450450As agreed
Turkish200220250As agreed
Turkmen150170200As agreed
Urdu250280300As agreed
Uzbek150170200As agreed
Vietnamese250280300As agreed
The unit of translation volume is A4 page (1860 characters, including spaces and punctuation). A final calculation is made on a finished translation!

* – standard documents: certificates (of birth, death, marriage, divorce, change of surname/name/patronymic); certificates (of no criminal records, employment, education, bank statement etc.); passports (national and foreign); driving licences; secondary school certificates, diplomas (without transcripts)
** – texts of general terminology: business correspondence, personal letters
*** – texts of specified terminology:
Legal, economical texts (articles of associations, agreements (of any nature), notarial instruments, minutes, extract from judicial/trade and other registers.
Medical texts (instructions to the drugs/equipment, recipes, medical records).
Technical texts (description of the instruments, mechanisms, operating instructions, manuals etc.).
As well as fine literature, transcripts, special publicist writings (articles concerning the specific themes).

The unit of translation volume is A4 page (1860 characters, including spaces and punctuation). A final calculation is made on a finished translation.
We use the flexible pricing policy and offer discount system for our regular customers as well as for new customers when they make their first order.
We exert every effort to fix the price before we start to translate. To fix the exact price we need you provide the text in the following formats: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat (converted into Word). In case the original document is presented in paper form, as a scanned image, on audio-, video media, our managers, as a manner of experience, will estimate the volume of translation to the maximum to let you consider the cost of the translation on the preliminary stage.
Translation Agency “TERRA LINGUA” offers to produce a small test translation (within 1860 printed characters) and you will assure of expert knowledge and quality of our services.

Completion period
(working day)
Price, UAH
Copy notary certification
150 грн.
Translation notary certification
100 грн.
Copy and translation notary certification
120 грн.
Incorporation documents notary certification
120 + 15/page
Translation certification with the Translation Agency’s seal
included into translation price